911:Occult symbolism VI
- It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in Isaiah 40:22
Site menu:
- Occult symbolism Intro
- History of oppression
- Social terrorism
- Economic terrorism
- Occult symbolism pages:
- Introduction to symbolism
- Part I (Egyptian mythology, Pyramid, All-seeing eye, Obelisk)
- Part II (Astrology)
- Part III (Stars)
- Part IV (Cross, Rods, Awen, Thunderbolt, Bell, Shell)
- Part V (Occultism)
- Part VI (Circles, Infinity, Spirals)
- Part VII (Deities)
- Part VIII (Colors)
- Part IX (Alphabets)
- Part X (Animals, Insects, Arachnids)
- Part XI (Plants)
- Part XII (Life, Death, Sexuality)
- Part XIII (Alchemy)
- Part XIV (Masonic symbolism)
- Part XV (Masonic places)
- Part XVI (Hand signs)
- Part XVII (Occult Media Programming)

Circle In the description of cosmological symbols, the first figure is a circle: ever-eternal, universal nature, the abstract space of a cosmic hierarchy. The circle itself may be taken as the symbol of this first manifestation, the clean sheet of paper representing abstract space, the Boundless. This circle is in reality boundless, its circumference being ideal, representing the limits of our perceptions of physical or inner space, or the ideal boundary which must be postulated in our conceptions of infinitude.
The second circle, with the central point (Circled dot), represents the First Logos of any hierarchy, the mystic unity symbolized by the inclusive number one, the unitary source from which proceed the creative rays or sevenfold manifestation of the Logos. The point at its center is the symbol of the cosmic germ of generation out of which all later beings emanate or flow, and hence it is the first manifestation.
Considering the circle as a line, it is without beginning or end; progress from any point in it brings us eventually to the same point again without turning back. Thus it is a symbol of cyclic evolution. Eternal motion is essentially circular and vibratory. A circular motion becomes spiral, and this is the cosmic serpent, emblem of cosmic forces, and hence of life on all planes.
The egg is another form of the circle or sphere symbol; the chakra or wheel as used in India is another. The circle may be conceived as either one unbroken line, having no parts, or as an infinitude of points -- which shows that zero and infinity are extremes which meet. In the symbol of the circle, spirit and matter are not yet separated; it is spirit-substance. For the problem of squaring the circle, see PI.
- Megalitic Circles
Ring of Brodgar
A perfect circle of 103m diameter consisting of 60– stones originally, with 27 now left standing. Standing between 2 and 4.5m hign the circle is surrounded by a 10 m wide ditch. [1]
- Various notes:
- Alternative names: Sacred hoop, ring.
- An ancient and universal symbol of unity, wholeness, infinity, the goddess, and female power. To earth-centered religions throughout history as well as to many contemporary pagans, it represents the feminine spirit or force, the cosmos, Mother Earth, or a sacred space.
- See also: The Goddess Circe
- Gnostic traditions linked the unbroken circle to the "world serpent" or "Ouroboros", forming a circle as it eats its own tail.
- Magic circle (circle or sphere of space marked out by practitioners of many branches of ritual magic)
- Magic circle mathematics
- Magic Circle law firms ("an informal term used to describe collectively what are considered to be either the five, or possibly six, leading London-based law firms" ... "Members of the Magic Circle are: Allen & Overy, Clifford Chance, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Linklaters, Slaughter and May")
- The Magic Circle ("a British organisation dedicated to magic, headquartered are in London")
- See also: [54]
- See also: Sun symbolism, Flower of Life symbolism, Numerology: number 1.
- Circle used in the zodiac
The birth of Mithras from the Cosmic Egg. As Soma is born from the Golden Embryo. [2]
A winged Mithras wrapped in a Serpent encircled with the Zodiac [3]
Monument showing Mithras turning the zodiac [4]
Prometheus statue at the Rockefeller Center. Behind the statue is an inscription saying: “Prometheus, teacher in every art, brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends.”
Note: The ring with the 12 signs of the Zodiac
- Logos
Logo of the Argenteum Astrum (A.A.) with a circle encompassing an 7-pointed star inverted heptagram.
The A.A. was founded by well-known Satanist and mason Aleister Crowley.The universal Peace symbol.
See also: Death rune, "The John Birch Society's Apocryphal History of the Peace Sign".The emblem of the Nazi Sturmabteilung (SA) "brownshirts" stormtroopers.
Note: the Sig rune.Flag of the British Union of Fascists (BUF), a 1930's political party in the United Kingdom.
Note: the Sig rune.Cover of Marilyn Manson's 1997 CD release Remix & Repent.
Note: the Sig rune.Mobil.
The company merged with Exxon in 1999 to form ExxonMobil.U.S. Marshals
Note: the 5-pointed star.Mickey Mouse Club
Note: Walt Disney is known to have been a masonTide laundry detergent
Symbol of the London Underground tube (subway) system. Their bus system uses the same logo
The Nazi eagle emblem
Seal of the demon Astaroth
White Order of ThuleThe Rain that Refreshes the Soul
Drawn by Hexmeister Lee R. Gandee, from his 1971 autobiography, Strange Experience
See also: 3-pointed star, marian starObama logo
Note the Sun symbolism.Texas Rangers (a company once owned by George W. Bush)
Note: the oblong square and pentagram.
- Circle automaker logo's:
- Mercedes 2.jpg
automaker Opel (now part of General Motors)
Note: the Sig rune.The BMW logo.
Note: the masonic checkerboard.
Intertwined circles
- Various notes:
- Related symbolism:
- Two intertwined circles are called Vesica piscis.
- Geometry: Flower of Life
- Eclipse and crescent.
- Infinity
- Related symbolism:
2 intertwined circles
The traditional intertwined heterosexual gender sign
- two intertwined circles in logo's:
Cirrus. Worldwide interbank network. Cirrus links MasterCard, Maestro, Diners Club credit, debit and prepaid cards to a network of over 1,000,000 ATMs in 93 countries
NCR Corporation. Technology company specializing in products for the retail and financial sectors. Founded in 1884, NCR's main products are point-of-sale terminals, automatic teller machines, check processing systems, barcode scanners, and business consumables
Note: the infinity symbolChanel fashion industry giant
Gucci the iconic fashion and leather goods label
Kool cigarettes
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. Many wealthy Hollywood stars seek treatment at this hospital
Logo of the Grosvenor House Hotel luxurious hotel established in London and Dubai.
Candlewood Suites logo
Unitarian Universalist Association logo
Note: the Torch symbol.
- two intertwined circles non-logo's:
Washington Monument
Note: See phallic symbolismThe doors of the U.S. Senate. This is on the lower section of the famous bronze doors
This rendition of the Chi Rho Cross displays two intertwined circles
Note: In Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma, Pike calls this symbol X within a P "The Staff of Osiris" [5]These Witch reading runes include a rune with two intertwined circles
(Bottom far-left)Fireproof (film) poster logo
Vesica piscis
- Various notes:
- The shape which is the intersection two circles of the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other. The name literally means the bladder of the fish in Latin. The shape is also called mandorla ("almond" in Italian).
- Vesica Piscis is a step to building the Seed of Life
- Also represents a woman’s vagina
- video:Sacred Geometry 101B: The Vesica Piscis
- Vesica piscis shape:
Christ in Majesty shown within a vesica pisces shape in this medieval illuminated manuscript
Seal of Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). This unique shape fits perfectly in between two intertwined circles
The Vesica piscis appears in various Christian imagery
The commonly seen Christian fish symbol, is a play on the inner area of two intertwined circles. Much like the O.T.O. seal, it is simply different by 180 degrees in orientation
Note: Also see Occult symbolism: Fish
- Vesica piscis logos
Australian Diamond Company logo
Note: the pyramid
- Vesica piscis hand sign
- Various notes:
- In occult circles, the number 8 is the symbol for immortality.
- Introduced to mathematics by John Wallis (1616-1703), an English mathematician who is given partial credit for the development of modern calculus.
- See also:
- Infinity symbol basic:
Infinity symbol (see also: Lemniscate). Commonly seen in mathematics, this symbol originates from the occult.
Ouroboros variant.
The symbol of the soul, also the Alchemist symbol for sulfur
'Note: the double crossTarot card with the infinity symbol
The January 1995 cover of subversive 'Christian' masonic brotherhood insider Billy Graham's "Decision" magazine.
- Infinity as a logo:
Priory of Sion emblem
The Priory of Sion ("priory of the sun") is a secret society created around the Merovingian dynasty whose ancestors (it is claimed) can be traced back to the royals of Sumer, Troy and the Greeks.
Note: the fleur-de-lis symbol.NCR Corporation. Technology company specializing in products for the retail and financial sectors. Founded in 1884, NCR's main products are point-of-sale terminals, automatic teller machines, check processing systems, barcode scanners, and business consumables.
Always (a brand of menstrual products owned by Procter & Gamble)
A PBS member-television station in Los Angelies, CaliforniaABC Television
Service of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation8thSin, a Swedish power metal band.
Note: the Inverted pentagram
- Infinity used as a word:
3 intertwined circles
- Various notes:
(which later became Thyssen Krupp)Thyssen Krupp.
Note: the arch. (todo: SMOM-Nazi partnerships)Global Integration Strategies, LLC (GIS)
Has served more than 300 global companies from the Fortune 500 [6]Swan Song Records, a record label launched by English rock group Led Zeppelin in 1974.
Note: The four different sigil's representing each member of the band
- 3 intertwined circles related:
- See also: Geometry and numerology: 666
The Celtic intertwined "666"
Biological hazard symbol. See also: "Biohazard symbol history".
Triodos Bank. Based in the Netherlands with branches in Belgium, the United Kingdom and Spain.
Note: "Triodos Bank finances companies which it thinks add cultural value and benefit both people and the environment. The name, Triodos – "tri hodos" – is translated from the Greek as "three-way approach"."Logo for Waste Aware Aberdeen a recycling program in the Scottish city of Aberdeen
The New King James Version of the bible - The counterfeit Bible .
State Farm Insurance 666?
UN and Banner of Peace (Stamp) with Nicholas Roerich Pax Cultura ("Cultural Peace")
Mayo Clinic
Note: these are not circles, however the clinic was founded by brothers Charles Horace Mayo and William Worrall Mayo, both of whom were Masons.
4 intertwined circles
- Various notes:
- See also: Numerology: number 4
CoCo Communications
Customers include the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security [7]Late 70's logo of the Canadian Society of Cinematographers (CSC)
5 intertwined circles
- Various notes:
- See also: Numerology: number 5
Olympic Games.
The logo was designed by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French Freemason and founder of the 'modern Olympics' (see next image).Pierre de Coubertin statue at the Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta.
Note: the step-pyramid, surrounded by the two pillars blocks with the Olympic rings flocked by doves above.
6 or more intertwined circles
The Peace Alliance, a "campaign to establish a US Department of Peace".(13)
Reverse side of a 1787 American Colonial coin, known as the Fugio cent or Franklin cent. The coin was issued by authority of the U.S. Congress.
Note: the phrase "We are one" in the center
Energy spiral
- Various notes:
- See also:
Altar at the Tarxien temple complex in Malta. (estimated at ~2800 BC.).
The Playing Board of the Egyptian Game Mehen
Newgrange passage tomb entrance stone (with trispiral and single spiral engravings), Ireland (estimated at ~3500 BC.). See also: [8], More images from that site.
Reask stone, near Kerry, Ireland. [11]
Väskinde cemetery (Sweden) [12]
The marble pedestal patterns on the imperial guardian lion (also called a "Fu Lion", "Foo Dog", "Lion of Buddha".) at the Forbidden City, China.
Nazca Lines monkey, Peru.
Swastika examples
Trojan, Onchan (Isle of Man), and Roman artwork
Cyprus Roman Mosaic (~50BCE)
Note: 4-pointed star, 6-pointed star and Double squareVatican staircase
Note: the octagon ceiling.Thule Society emblem
Emblem of the Nazi SS Panzer Division "Wiking"
US Naval Construction Force Base. Coronado island, San Diego, California USA. [15]
Drawing by M.C. Escher
Advertisement of Coka Cola in the early 20d Century. [16]
- Modern culture spirals (exluding company logo's):
Flag of Hong Kong
Note: the 5 red pentagrams
- Company logo's:
Media Markt (owned by Metro AG) is Europe's largest retailer of consumer electronics.
General Electric. What's wrong with this logo?
RFID chip project funded by the Carlyle Group through Matrics, Inc. (now Motorola).
- British+leyland.png
Ptech. Note: the pyramid. This a company with clear links to the 9-11 psy-ops ([17], [18]).
Panoz (US automobile manufacturer)
automaker SEAT (any relation to Saturn, Saturnalia?)
Non logos:
On the door of a Roman Catholic Cathedral is a yin yang symbol. [19]
Symantec (computer software company founded 1982)
- Others Combined Spiral and Yin and Yang
Falun Gong logo
- Spiral for initiation rites
Quinta da Regaleira. Reference must be made to the adventures of the Knights of the Temple or the ideals of the master Masons, to descend into the initiation well via an immense spiral shaped staircase. And down below, standing on a light pointed star it is as if we were immersed in the womb of Mother Earth. All we must do is traverse the darkness of the labyrinth grottos until we reach the light, reflected in the water of lakes of surprising beauty. [20]
Todo: add Similar WTC globe
- Vatican Globe
Vatican Museum spinning globes (video).
Several aspects are probably conveyed here:
- The ancient conspiracy of secretive world control, represented by the 'Hidden Order' within the globe.
- The theory of a expanding global landmass by which the continents were separated (see: Expanding Earth theory and Plasma cosmos).1) At the Vatican Palace Gardens (cracking open) [21]
- United Nations Globe
2) At the United Nations (opening some more) [22]
- Farnese Square
3) At the Farnese Square / Pallazo (really open) [23]
- World Trade Center
The Sphere was created by German sculptor Fritz Koenig and one time stood in the middle of Austin J. Tobin Plaza, between the World Trade Center towers in Manhattan. It was retrieved from the rubble of the Twin Towers after the September 11, 2001 attacks. With its future unsure The Globe was dismantled into its components. Although it was still functionally intact, it had been dented and punctured by the debris from the falling towers. Six months after wards, following a documentary movie about the sculpture, the sculpture was moved to Battery Park, unrepaired, and on a temporary basis. An eternal flame was place next to it with this rededication as a memorial to the victims of 9/11. Banged up but still standing, a tangible witness to the 9/11 attack, The Globe became a popular tourist attraction of New York City. [24]
- Statues
Statue of a Romanized Egyptian Isis. Notice the globe in her hand. [25]
A small bronze of Hercules, who is an allegorical figure of the solar deity. [26]
The Persian sun-god, Mithra, holds the globe, symbol of rulership of the universe. [27]
Christ in gold, holding the globe in his hand. [28]
Black virgin of Montserrat, typical example of globe-holding images in the Roman church. [29]
Child Jesus, holding globe of the sun-god. [30]
- Others
Giant globe atop St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican, Rome. [31]
Large globe of the sun-god upon Bernini's canopy over the main altar in St. Peter's Basilica. [32]
Sacred Catholic reliquary. Notice angels holding up the pagan imagery of the universe. [33]
A universal symbol of cosmic unity, astrology, "the circle of life," evolution, etc. The pagan sacred circle plus any number of radiating spokes or petals form the wheel - a Wheel of Life to Buddhists, a Medicine Wheel to Native Americans, a Mandala to Hindus. It symbolizes unity, movement, the sun, the zodiac, reincarnation, and earth's cycles of renewal. Pagans use it in astrology, magic, and many kinds of rituals. [55]
- The wheel is an ancient Indian symbol of creation, sovereignty, protection and the sun. - The encyclopedia of Tibetan symbols and motifs By Robert Beér. p185 [56]
- Also see:
- Egyptian
Bronze ornament representing the eye of Osiris. Notice the solar wheel at the base. [34]
- Assyrio babylonian
Ancient stone relief depicting the wheel of the sun on an Assyrio-Babylonian altar. [35]
- Dharmacakra (Wheel of Dharma, Buddhist wheel of life and reincarnation.)
Buddhist Dharmacakra, Kungri Monastery, Pin Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. [36]
Solar wheel over entrance to Buddhist temple, Thailand. [37]
- Indian Yantras
Mahavidya Bhuvaneshvari and her Yantra.
Note: 6-pointed starMandala/Yantra with a wheel of life
Note: Also see Quadruple TauSolar wheel depicting the divisions of the zodiac, in temple at Kararak, India. [38]
- Roman Catholic
The Eight spoke pagan Wheel: The 8 spoke pagan Wicca wheel is the same 8 spoke wheel of Buddhism that’s in the Vatican. Catholicism has more in common with witchcraft than it does with the Bible. [39]
Unquestionably the largest occult solar wheel on earth is located in the court of St. Peter at the Vatican in Rome. Notice it is made of a wheel within a wheel, with eight spokes, a common symbol of cosmic energy in paganism. Protruding from its center is an obelisk, the ancient symbol of Osiris, the solar phallic god of Egypt. [40]
Vatican City's Piazza San Pietro.
See also: video: Vatican sun dial, Sun cross, Catholic Sun symbolism.Catholic solar wheel at Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris. [41]
The great solar wheel in the ceiling at the monastery of St. Ignatius Loyola, Spain. [42]
Floor tiles in the monastery of St. Ignatius. [43]
Wheels were adapted to many torturous uses. They could be part of a stretching rack, but medieval torturers were far too creative to leave it at that. Early torturers were fond of tying someone to a large wooden wheel, then pushing it down a rocky hillside. A more elaborate method involved a wheel mounted to an A-frame that allowed it to swing freely. The victim would be tied to the wheel, and then swung across some undesirable thing below — fire was always a good choice, but dragging the victim’s flesh across metal spikes also worked well. The wheel itself could also have spikes mounted on it, so the pain came from all directions. Instead of swinging, the wheel might turn on an axle. The difference was likely immaterial to the victims. [44]
The college shield of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, depicting a breaking wheel. [45]
Logo of the Elijah Interfaith Institute
Logo based on the Biblical Elijah's Fire Chariot that took him up, and the SMOM/Knights of Malta sun logo
- Others Wheels
Tarot card for the Wheel of Fortune. We have a center wheel surrounded by 4 winged aspects. A Man, an Eagle, a Lion, and a Bull.
Note: Wheel of fortune is based on luck (lucifer) linked to gaming/gambling [46]
Also see Occult symbolism: LuciferThe Sun and the 12 signs of the Zodiac
Note: The red bullseye, which is the Alchemical symbol for goldJain Cosmic Time Cycle. [47]
Hecate’s wheel
- The Strophalos, or Hecate’s wheel is an ancient Greek symbol, and is an emblem of the initiatory lunar Goddess Hecate (Diana Lucifera), and her triple aspect. Only one ancient source remains to shed any light on the emblem’s meaning. The second century Alexandrian text known as the “Chaldean oracle” describes the emblem as a labyrinthine serpent (emblematic of rebirth) surrounding a spiral, symbolic of the Iynges- “whirlings” or emanations of divine thought. Today, it is generally used by practitioners of Hellenic Recon or Dianic Traditions of Wicca as an emblem of religious identification. Other emblems of Hecate include torches, dogs (generally female), keys, serpents, and of course, the crossroads. [57]
- Hecate is one of the most important figures in the so-called Chaldaean Oracles (2nd-3rd century CE)[29], where she is associated in fragment 194 with a strophalos (usually translated as a spinning top, or wheel, used in magic) "Labour thou around the Strophalos of Hecate."[30] This appears to refer to a variant of the device mentioned by Psellus. (wikipedia)
- Strophalos of Hecate (Hecate's Wheel)
According to fragmentary texts of the Chaldean Oracles, Hecate is connected to a maze which spiralled around like a serpent. This maze was known as the Stropholos of Hecate, or Hecate's Wheel, and refers to the power of knowledge and life. [48]
Relief of three-headed Hekate from Aegina (in Roscher's Ausführliches Lexikon der Griechischen und Römischen Mythologie, 1890). Hecate, a goddess associated with the uncanny, the Underworld, and crossroads, was among the divinities invoked in curses. [50]
Circled dot
- Various notes
- Circled dot is a Sun symbol and Phallic symbol
- Albert Mackey, a 33 Degree Mason, describe this Satanic belief: "The point within the circle is an interesting and important symbol in Freemasonry ... The symbol is really a beautiful but somewhat abstruse allusion to the old Sun-Worship, and introduces us for the first time to that modification of it, known among the ancients as the worship of the Phallus." [Short Talk Bulletin, February, 1936; Vol. 14, No. 2, Reprinted July, 1980, p. 7]. Mackey tells us that this point within a circle is really the old Sun Worship which Masons have copied the Ancient Mysteries Religions to modify it as a phallus symbol.[58]
- Do hexagram example. Ask: how do you produce a hexagram? It is the relation of the radius to the circumference. To create the hexagram, draw a circle. Use the compass, keep the radius the same and place the point anywhere upon the circumference. Mark a small arc on the circle and then place the point on that arc and make another one. Continue all the way around the circle until you return to the beginning. There will be six points. Thus is illustrated why the Point and Circle (as symbol of the Sun) is related to the hexagram and the number six. [59]
- The Masons of the Blue Lodge are taught that the Point within a Circle represents the individual Mason (the Point), contained and restricted by the boundary line of his duty (the Circle). Its real meaning, however, is that of the phallus, positioned within the female generative principle (sex organ), the climactic act of Sun-god worship. Dr. Albert Mackey, already quoted herein, also writes in his classic work "Symbolism of Freemasonry," page 352, "Phallus, a representation of the virile member which was venerated as a religious symbol… It was one of the modifications of sun worship, and was a symbol of the fecundating power of that luminary. The Masonic point within a circle is undoubtedly of phallic origin."
- The "Point Within A Circle" is so beloved by the Illuminati because it symbolizes both Sun Worship [J.S.M. Ward, "Genuine Secrets In Freemasonry Prior To 1717", p. 256] and the sex act, with the circle representing the female and the dot in the middle representing the "erect" phallus [Masonic Short Talk Bulletin, "Point Within A Circle", to be read in Lodge meetings].[60]
- "Point Within A Circle", another commonly used symbol in Black Magick; in fact, it is so commonly used, Adam Weishaupt -- the founder of the Masters of the Illuminati -- adopted it as one symbols of the Illuminati. Because of the inherent secrecy of the Illuminati, Weishaupt insisted that individual members identify themselves only with "the astrological symbol for the sun, a circle with a dot in the middle." [Legenda, 32 Degree, Hermes, p. 109; also quoted in Burns, "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated", p. 29; also quoted by Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 503.][61] [62]
- Since the Satanist worships the Sex Act, he must have a symbol of the female organ, to go along with the male organ -- the Obelisk. And, indeed, Satanists do have a symbol of the female organ -- the Circle. And, when a point is added to the middle of the circle, you have the complete sex act, the male being the point and the female being the circle ["Point Within A Circle", Masonic Short Talk Bulletin, August, 1931, Vol. 9, No. 8, Reprinted July, 1990, p. 4.]
- See Also: Bindu (dot) represents the male force. Together, the circle and the bindu symbolize the merging of male and female forces.[63]
- This is also the symbol for gold in Alchemy
- This is the symbol of the sun in Astrology
- This is also a symbol for the Bell
Circled dot symbolism in non-logo's
Circled dot has many interpretations, of which mostly represent a sun in Astrology
Circled dot symbolism in logo's
Albert Mackey, a 33 Degree Mason, describe this Satanic belief: "The point within the circle is an interesting and important symbol in Freemasonry ... The symbol is really a beautiful but somewhat abstruse allusion to the old Sun-Worship, and introduces us for the first time to that modification of it, known among the ancients as the worship of the Phallus." [Short Talk Bulletin, February, 1936; Vol. 14, No. 2, Reprinted July, 1980, p. 7]. Mackey tells us that this point within a circle is really the old Sun Worship which Masons have copied the Ancient Mysteries Religions to modify it as a phallus symbol.[51]
Note: In Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma, Pike calls this symbol X within a P "The Staff of Osiris" [52]3rd Reich Luftwaffe M43 Einheitsfeldmuetze (oficer cap) trapezoid Insignia. Note:The Eagle, with Circled dot and Energy spiral