911:Various Jesuits

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Various Jesuits


Francis Xavier

1506 – 1552

Christopher Clavius

1538 – 1612

  • German Jesuit mathematician and astronomer who was the main architect of the modern Gregorian calendar.

Matteo Ricci

(1552 – 1610)


Athanasius Kircher

1602 – 1680


Raimondo di Sangro

1710 – 1771 (Jesuit trained alchemical Master, the 7th "Prince of Sansevero") [20]

Roger Joseph Boscovich

(1711 – 1787)

Augustin Barruel

1741 – 1820


1743 – 1795 (alias "Giuseppe Balsamo") [21] [22] Jesuit Spy

Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès

1748 – 1836

  • todo and add in 911:Masonic_Judaism#Labor_Zionists

Edward Jenner

1749 —1823

  • Edward Jenner was an S.J. -- a Slick Jesuit -- who taught the medical world how to use the POISONED NEEDLE. He was the first to associate human diseases with that of animals. This idea paved the way for vaccination which is responsible for the deaths of multiplied millions of people around the world. The idea that humans and animals are related and share the same diseases led to the theory of evilution which is responsible for the spiritual death of multiplied millions more. In the countryside in Gloustershire, England, where Jenner lived, the farmers had a legend or superstition that catching cowpox (a disease of cows which was transferred to the cows' udders by unwashed or bleeding hands) would act like a charm or amulet to make them immune from catching the human disease of smallpox. Medicine man Jenner took this local legend or old wives' tale and turned it into a scientific FACT. He did this by first getting some scientific credentials (M.D., F.R.S. - Fellow of the Royal Society). Next he wrote a book and on the title page only he used the term VARIOLAE VACCINAE. This means in Medieval Latin: smallpox of the cow. Thus associating a human disease with a disease of the cow. There never was such a disease as smallpox of the cow until "Dr." Jenner invented it for the title of his book. [23]
  • Dr. Charles Creighton— a brilliant Scottish doctor—exposed Jenner's clever sleight of hand in his masterly tome:Jenner and Vaccination. [24]
    • "The title of Jenner's cowpox paper is: "An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae, a Disease discovered in some of the Western Counties, especially Gloucestershire, and known by the name of the Cowpox." An objection might be taken to "discovered," but let that pass. The leading line in this full and learned title is Variolae Vaccinae, which is the only name in the short title. Now Variolae Vaccine is Latin for smallpox of the cow. An affection of cows and milkers, which had been known to country people for generations as the cowpox, is suddenly introduced to the learned, who had never heard of it before, under a brand-new name. The new name is put in the forefront of the title, it overshadows the old country name both by its prominence and by its semblance of scientific precision, and, for purposes of short reference, it becomes the sole name. This startling novelty is on the title-pages, and only on the title-pages. Jenner never says, in the preface or text, that the name is a new one, hitherto unheard of in veterinary or medical writings; he never says a single word to justify its invention; he never once uses it in the preface or text at all. But there it stands in the title as the full, correct, and scientific name of the disease, to be copied in journals and repeated in a hundred ways when not one word of the essay would be copied or repeated, carrying with it, in short, all the power over the ideas that a descriptive synonym for an unfamiliar thing does naturally carry with it." (Jenner and Vaccination, Dr. Charles Creighton, p. 44). [25]


Pierre-Jean De Smet

(1801 – 1873)

  • "Years later the Jesuits, using Shriner Freemasonry, would begin a powerful cult in George Washington’s Calvinistic Republic of the United States. The new brotherhood would be called “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” — Mormonism! Being another salvation-by-works religion (like Roman Catholicism), its founder, Joseph Smith, was a high-level Freemason. His successor, Brigham Young, was also another high Freemason. According to the book Blackrobe, Brigham Young was an intimate friend of Peter De Smet, one of the most powerful American Jesuits of the Nineteenth Century. Being the foremost Jesuit of influence among the Indian Nations, De Smet, using Confederate General and Shriner Freemason Albert Pike, incited his Sioux Indians to mass murder seven hundred White Lutherans of Minnesota (Northerners) while having procured the exemption of Jesuits from the draft during America’s bloodbath, erroneously called “the Civil War.” De Smet personally visited Young on his settlement in the West, furthering “the Mormon agitation.” For the Mormon leaders sought to create their own nation." -Eric John Phelps, Vatican Assasins [26]
  • Jean DeSmet was Albert Pike's master and was a definite influence to Pike's Knight of the order of the Klu Klux Klan

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

1881 – 1955

  • (scientist, NewAge promotor)

John LaFarge

1835 – 1910

Robert Leiber

1887 - 1967

Adolf Hitler

(1889 – 1945)

Georges Lemaître

(1894 – 1966)


Karl Rahner

1904 — 1984

Frederick Copleston

(1907 – 1994)

Richard McSorley

1914 -2002

Robert F. Drinan

1920 – 2007

Francis Haig

1928 -

  • American Jesuit and physics professor, Haig is the younger brother of Alexander Haig, who served as the United States Secretary of State (4 star general)under Ronald Reagan from 1981 until 1982

Joseph McDonnell

1929 - 2005

José Antonio Ferrer Benimeli

1934 -

William J Fulco

(1936 - )

Gregory Naik

Fr. Gregory Naik S.J, Secretary, South Asia Assistancy [29]


Joseph Kelleppilly

[30] & [31] & http://www.hrsolidarity.net/mainfile.php/2001vol11no67/138/

Abraham Pallivathukal

[32] & [33] & http://www.hrsolidarity.net/mainfile.php/2001vol11no67/138/

T.A. Joseph

[34] & [35] & http://www.hrsolidarity.net/mainfile.php/2001vol11no67/138/

Shaji George

[36] & [37] & http://www.hrsolidarity.net/mainfile.php/2001vol11no67/138/

Jose Thaiparambil

[38] & [39] & http://www.hrsolidarity.net/mainfile.php/2001vol11no67/138/

E.J. Thomas

Leo J. O' Donovan

Peter McIsaac, S.J.

Edmund A Walsh

Bolshevik Theodore Maly

Augustin Bea

Nikolai Vlasik

Alexander N. Poskrebyshev

Karl Rahner

Avery Dulles

Carlo Martini

Dan Lyons

E. Boyd Barrett

Bernard Vaughan

James Marshall